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Motorola Droid Has Been Jailbroken

DROID by Motorola Front Open.JPGThe Motorola Droid has been jailbroken by a user known as Zinx Verituse and has been posted on the AllDroid forum. Like the iPhone jailbreak, this exploit gives users full control of their Droid, allowing them to make changes that were previously prohibited. It is too early to see anyone take advantage of this newfound power, but such apps will likely be released soon.

Links to download the exploit are provided on the AllDroid forum and the instructions are as follows:

1) get (md5sum 3af35446905040a3123ec09195299596)
2) get (this file, md5sum e517995a7d1fe233c61df17c7f7c2a63)
3) append this file to the end of
* Windows: copy /b
* Linux: cat >
The md5sum of will be cf653352967253e99d967498ffd9ce69
4) Copy the to the sdcard on the phone
5) Boot the phone to recovery mode (hold X and power the phone on)
* You’ll get a triangle + exclamation point if done right
6) Apply the update by pressing Volume Up + Camera

While the jailbreaking process is currently quite technical, we will likely see a streamlined process appear in the near future.

Posted in Jailbreak Software.

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